Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April 2014

This was a big month of firsts!   April 5-6 was the 2014 Hawaii Ocean Expo to which I was the featured mermaid with the help of Mermaid Ayesha.  I got new Mermaid Linda Stephanie t-shirts to go alongside my new Mermaid Linda Stephanie banner!  I was revealing my new mermaid top and displaying the Barbie in a Mermaid Tail 2 tail and top I had just finished. much work!!  Here it is!

And the new Barbie in a Mermaid Tail 2 tail and top that I had worked so tediously on!  The first is what I was basing it off of.  The second is the result.  The crown is an e-bay purchased item.  

     A lot of work went into preparations for this long weekend, but I had so looked forward to this exciting event!   The expo went off without a hitch!  My little mermaids showed up to sit in and take photos with children.  Most kids are excited to see a mermaid sitting there, but they were certainly surprised to see little mermaids sitting there to talk to.  
     Prior to this event, I went over mermaid etiquette to my little mermaids sisters.  We went over poise, posture and positive attitudes. We also went over how to answer questions as a mermaid and what to say when you are caught off-guard.  Most importantly, I explained to them my mission as Mermaid Linda Stephanie: To Educate, Inspire and Entertain others about the ocean and it's inhabitants.  When each of my clients receives a tail, they are also given a Certificate of Authenticity and a contract that states that as a mermaid they will help protect the ocean and it's inhabitants; they will teach others what they know and pick up trash on the beach.  During mermaid etiquette training, I taught them some facts about common ocean animals.  I felt pretty confident that they would do great at the expo, but it almost caught me off guard at how great they really did and that they took what I said to heart.
     To each of the 108 children that we took photos with, I asked their name and their favorite ocean animal.  When they answered, I asked what they knew about that animal and then taught them something new about them.  It surprised me when one child sat down and my 7 year-old mermaid sister took the reigns and taught the child about sea turtles.  It was a proud moment that I could experience this, knowing how far she can go in teaching her peers about the ocean and it's inhabitants.
      And, of course, Mermaid Ayesha joined along in the fun taking photos with kids and talking to them about marine life.  The weekend would not have been the same without her!!  She is truly the sweetest mermaid!!!  9 hours in and out of your tail without water to swim in can get a little restless, but Mermaid Ayesha and the other little mermaids made the time swim by!  :-)
     To see photos more photos of the expo, visit and go to the photo section.  All my mermaid helpers did a great job!  What a fun weekend!